One method to attract the black soldier flies is to start a compost bin using a mix of kitchen scraps that are a couple of days old.
This mix of kitchen scraps can include any kind of vegetables scraps,
Corn on the rotten potatoes, growed fruit scraps or the type of putrescent compost.
What materials are needed for black soldier flies?
These things require a bin, carvoe, and organic waste.
- How best does black soldier grow?
Once a female deposits between 200 and 600 eggs, the eggs hatch after about four days. They start about 1 mm in length, but their voracious appetite will soon make them reach the size of 25mm length.
- How many bsf larvae to feed chicken
A handful of black soldier flies can feed five chicken’s .
- What is the best food for bfs?
Bfs larvae are known for their ability to process a wide variety of organic waste stream, for exp, food scrape, compost,and feed on animal manure
- What vitamins are in bsf (black soldier files) ?
Saturated fatty acids vit-b1 vit-b2 and vitamin c were also present in a sample of minerals such as calcium and poeticism.
Black Soldier Flies (BSF) are a popular choice for many gardeners, farmers, and hobbyists due to their incredible benefits in composting and as a natural and sustainable source of protein for livestock and pets. In this article, we will discuss easy ways to grow black soldier flies to take advantage of their benefits and significantly reduce waste.
- Setting up the BSF colony
To create the perfect environment for your black soldier flies, you will need a container – such as a plastic bin, wooden box, or purpose-built BSF composter. Ensure that the container has proper drainage holes and a lid to keep out unwanted pests. You can also add a layer of shredded paper or leaf litter at the bottom of the container to provide more surface area for the larvae to crawl on.
- Getting the BSF eggs or larvae
To start your BSF colony, you can either purchase eggs or larvae online or find wild black soldier flies in your area. If using wild flies, look for their preferred breeding sites such as compost piles or animal waste. Collect some of the eggs or larvae with a spoon and place them gently into your container.
- Feeding the larvae
Once you have introduced the eggs or larvae into your container, it’s time to start feeding them. Black soldier fly larvae are voracious eaters that can consume a wide variety of organic waste. Feed them with kitchen scraps such as fruit peelings, vegetable cuttings, coffee grounds, and leftover food. However, avoid dairy products, oily foods, and meat as they can cause odors and attract pests.
- Maintaining optimum temperature and humidity
BSF larvae thrive in temperatures ranging between 70-95°F (21-35°C). You may need to provide insulation or heating if necessary during colder months; alternatively, choose a sunny spot for the container during warmer months. The larvae also require proper ventilation to stay healthy, so do not seal the container tightly.
- Monitoring and collecting the larvae
Regularly check on your BSF colony and remove mature larvae by setting up a harvesting ramp or bucket inside the container. Black soldier fly larvae will self-harvest by climbing when they are ready to pupate. Collect the harvested larvae and use them as compost or protein-rich feed for your poultry, fish, or other animals.
- Attracting adult black soldier flies
Once your colony is established, continue to attract female adult black soldier flies to lay their eggs by placing food waste in your container. Install a fine mesh net near the top of the container with a piece of corrugated cardboard or similar material tucked under it. This will provide an ideal surface for egg-laying while keeping rodents and other pests out.
Growing black soldier flies is an excellent way to recycle waste, produce high-quality compost, and provide nutritious, inexpensive feed for livestock or pets. With these easy steps, you can start enjoying the benefits of having a thriving black soldier fly colony in your backyard or even indoors.
If you have any questions, contact:
- www.wastefree23.org
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1257683511822828
- Wastefree23@gmail.com
- Whatsapp +14084620209