WF23 SL Training BSFL Introduction


Black soldier fly is an adult fly that does not have mouth parts and does not feed on waste.
They do not bite, and as only the larva feed, are not associated with transmitting diseases. Also species makes the breeding areas of houseflies less desirable the hale and hearty adults are about ⅞ inch long.
Hermetia illucens, the black soldier fly, is a common and widespread fly of the family Stratiomyidae. Since the late 20th century, H. illucens has increasingly been gaining attention because of its usefulness for recycling organic waste and generating animal feed.
In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know regarding black soldier flies.
The black soldier fly is a sleek fly that is black in color and has metallic reflections. It originated in South America but is now found in other countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Known by the binomial name H. illucens, these flies belong to the family Stratiomyidae.
In the following article, we will discuss more about the black soldier fly, its lifecycle, what it eats, whether it is harmful to humans and more.

Black Soldier Fly Pupa
What Are Black Soldier Flies?
Black soldier flies are flies of the family Stratiomyidae. People often confuse them for moths, but like other flies, they have two wings and no stinger.
Their name comes from their black, metallic appearance as adults. The black soldier fly makes a significant buzzing noise when flying, which could appear concerning.
However, they are not dangerous to humans in any way.
You will usually spot black soldier flies around decaying plant and animal matter.
And because the larvae feed on decaying matter, black soldier flies are often used in commercial poultry and swine processing establishments to reduce the amount of animal manure.
What Do Black Soldier Flies Eat?
The adult black soldier flies do not have sharp mouthparts to feed on or bite into potential food. Hence, adult flies usually have a liquid diet where they drink flower nectar for sustenance.
On the other hand, the black soldier fly larvae have a varied diet. They can feed on organic waste, from food scraps to kitchen waste.
They also feed on coffee grounds, meat, and fish scraps.
The larvae turn all the organic and leftover food waste into animal feed. They can eat twice their body weight daily and convert and store the food they eat quickly.
This makes them an extremely nutritious feed for chickens. The black soldier fly larvae are also used as food for fish and some exotic pets.
Black Soldier Fly
Where Do Black Soldier Flies Live?
Black soldier flies, one of the 260 known species of the family Stratiomyidae, are found in North America.
Within the United States, the black soldier fly is abundantly spotted during late spring and early fall in the southeastern US.
The fly is also found in the continental US and throughout other countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Habitat-wise, you will usually spot black soldier flies in areas with abundant organic waste. You will find them hovering around decaying matter, compost pits, and agricultural settings.
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