About SGGC

What is Waste Free in '23?

WasteFree23 is a peer-to-peer network that empowers individuals and communities to reduce the cost of recycling and processing municipal waste.

  1. Communities and the environment benefit from low-cost waste recycling and processing.
  2. Empower and train community members to manage their own solid waste.
  3. Eliminate transporting, dumping, and burning of waste.
  4. Recycle and process all municipal waste to reduce sorting and cleaning.
  5. Use recycled and processed waste to benefit the workers and the community that generated the waste.


  • 50% lower costs compared to some popular waste management methods.
  • Elimination of pollution from waste management.
  • A full-time, living wage job is created when one tonne of waste is processed each week.


        WasteFree23 is an international NGO that empowers individuals, CBOs, and communities to become waste-free. We accomplish this through education, training, and support for the community to recycle and upcycle.

WasteFree23 empowers tens of millions of individuals worldwide to have an immediate significant impact on fighting climate change, pollution, and poverty.

WasteFree23 was created in 2022 by a group of concerned community members and waste pickers in Nairobi, Kenya. Their dedication to developing practical solutions suitable for implementation by the 1 billion poorest people worldwide has led to a holistic municipal waste management solution.

          WasteFree23 was created in 2022 by a group of concerned community members and waste pickers in Nairobi, Kenya. Their dedication to developing practical solutions suitable for implementation by the 1 billion poorest people worldwide has led to a holistic municipal waste management solution.

Holistic municipal waste management greatly reduces the cost and improves the efficiency of eliminating the burning, trucking, and dumping of waste. Simultaneously, a holistic solution is more readily adopted by communities and has far more benefits for communities than typical material-specific management solutions.

WasteFree23 is an international NGO staffed by volunteers to empower individuals and communities worldwide to eliminate waste. WasteFree23 provides the following services and benefits to the participating teams:

  • Research of best-known methods for municipal waste recycling and processes.
  • Development and distribution of training materials for workers, managers, and communities.
  • Identification of and application for funding and grant opportunities.
  • Management of the peer-to-peer networks and crowdsourcing platforms to benefit all individuals and communities working to be waste-free.

We hope to spread the Waste Free in ’23 Initiative worldwide!

To learn more, follow any of the links below: