How to Make a Permeable Paver From Plastic Trash

How to Make a Permeable Paver From Plastic Trash

        Polyethylene – the soft plastic that bags and wrappers are made from is waterproof, insect proof and makes an excellent material for Permeable Pavers. With a heat press and a simple mold 2kg of trash plastic can be made into a Permeable Paver that is safe and secure. 20 pavers will interlock to cover 5 square feet and can be made in 2 hours from trash plastic without sorting or cleaning.

1.Mixed soft plastic bags - not cleaned or sorted
2. This is a small prototype heat press - use 1⁄2 kg of plastic. For a full size heat press apaver will require 2kg of plastic
3. Place a teflon sheet or apply oil to the top and bottom surface of the heat press to prevent sticking
4. Heat plastic at 160c for approximately 5 minutes
5. Fold the hot soft plastic in half to increase the thickness and put back in press to bond
6. Place hot plastic on a rectangular mold, allow to cool. Trim to height of 4”
7. Cut 1⁄2” thick or larger notch at least half way through height of paver on all 4 sides
8. Place onground side to side with notches facing up. Place an offset paver with notch facing down to lock pavers together