WF23 University Lessons to Teach at a School

WF23 University Lessons to Teach at a School

Welcome to the Waste-Free University project! Here, you can learn about waste management, participate in sustainability activities, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore green job opportunities. 
This page is primarily for educators trying to teach their students about Waste, Waste Material, Waste Free living and other necessary related things.

The Environmental Impact of Waste

Circular economy

history and how plastics are made, why good, why bad

WF23 Teaching School Kids about the environment

how to use again - upcycle, recycle, reuse

7 different types of plastics

How To Create Panels From Plastic Trash With A Heat Press

Diaper Recycling

How to use and sell bsfl

Biogas and Biodigester

Reasons why glass is a sustainable material

4 Ways to Recycle Papers

SP 10-23 Waste Free Solution Introduction

Plastics for Pencils (P4P)

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